Oh well here we go again. Following last year's inaugural Hard Rock Hell at Butlin's Minehead, which was excellent, this year we all decamped to the decidedly shabbier surroundings of Pontin's Prestatyn - or Cell Block H as it came to be known. What a dump.
Anyway, here's Friday's round up.
Big Linda
This was the first band that I caught and I enjoyed them. An odd mix of Led Zep/ Bad Co and The Killers I'd say. They went down well.
Heaven's Basement
Highlight of the opening stage were Heaven's Basement, with their high energy, no nonsense rock 'n' roll. Definitely a good booking for a festival.
Benedictum's (wiki) leading lady Veronica Freeman is certainly a strong girl, and they turned in a good set rounded off with the Accept classic, Balls To The Wall.
One of my favourite bands (wiki), who aside from a delayed start due to Burke Shelley having sound problems, delivered in their usual driving manner - In For The Kill, Breadfan and Parents the old stand out tracks.
Now joined by Dio guitar maestro Craig Goldie, whilst Ronnie reunites with Black Sabbath, they are still one of the trusted old favourites who never let a festival crowd down.
Thin Lizzy
I am totally biased, but they were the best band of the weekend for me. It is difficult to fail when you have such a wonderful back catalogue still delighting audiences - Jailbreak, Bad Reputation, Still In Love With You, Cowboy Song and The Boys.......and many more.
I know there are those who say it's not Thin Lizzy (see heated wiki discussion), but hey it keeps some of the finest rock classics alive and beats the pants off some of the other Metal Hammer rubbish we had to put up with at the festival. And in John Sykes and Scott Gorham, not only do we have the twin guitarists from the final Phil-fronted line up, but they are 2 of the best in the business - I love Scott's playing.
A difficult slot to fill for Doro Pesch but at 1 in the morning she did a great job with some of the Warlock classics, and certainly perked up some of the fellas in the crowd.
I really couldn't be bothered to watch Tigertailz at 2 am, so that was the end of Day 1 for me.